Getting started with Service Mesh Performance Analysis

by Lee Calcote

Anytime performance questions are to be answered, they are subjective to the specific workload and infrastructure used for measurement. Given the variety of this measurement challenge, the Envoy project, for example, refuses to publish performance data because such tests can be

  1. Time consuming and Redundant
  2. Misinterpreted

Such tests are complicated in part, because there are different types of performance testing, which include: soak testing, stress testing, load testing, capacity testing, and spike testing. Let’s examine each in context of service meshes and their workloads.

Outside of the different types of performance tests, performance management concerns include the need for performance and overhead data under a permutation of different workloads (applications) and different types and sizes of infrastructure resources. The need for cross-project, apple-to-apple comparisons are also desired in order to facilitate a comparison of behavioral differences between service meshes and which one might be best-suited for your workloads. Individual projects shy from publishing test results of other, competing service meshes. The need for an independent, unbiased, credible standard measurement is needed is why the Service Mesh Performance (SMP) was created.

Service Mesh Performance (SMP)

The Service Mesh Performance working group defines the Service Mesh Performance and is hosted within the CNCF SIG Network. Using SMP, MeshMark provides a universal performance index to gauge your mesh’s efficiency against deployments in other organizations’ environments. The group is also working in collaboration with the Envoy project to create easy-to-use tooling around distributed performance management (distributed load generation and analysis) in context of Istio, Consul, Tanzu Service Mesh, Network Service Mesh, App Mesh, Linkerd, and other service meshes.

The specification itself provides a standard format for describing and capturing:

The canonical implementation of this specification is the Meshery project. Figure 8-x provides insight to the fact that the specification defines a common collection of statistical analysis to be calculated for every performance test.

message PerformanceTestResult {
  message Latency {
    double min = 1;
    double average = 2;
    double p50 = 3;
    double p90 = 4;
    double p99 = 5;
    double max = 6;
Snippet of the Service Mesh Performance describing how to capture statistical analysis.

Measuring the value of your service mesh configuration

In this pattern we introduce the MeshMark scoring system as a derivation from the Service Mesh Performance. The focus of the MeshMark scoring system is to measure the value versus the overhead of a service mesh.

The value of SMP

Consider that the more value you try to derive from service mesh, the more you will ask it to do. Which is to say, that as someone reflects more deeply on the architecture of a service mesh - with its distributed proxies - and the more work it does, they will eventually wonder, “What overhead is running my service mesh incurring?”. This is one of the most common questions engineers have.

What SMP solves

Measurement data may not provide a clear and simple picture of how well those applications are performing from a business point of view, a characteristic desired in metrics that are used as key performance indicators. Reporting several different kinds of data can cause confusion. MeshMark distills a variety of overhead signals and key performance indicators into a simple scale. Reducing measurement data to a single well understood metric is a convenient way to track and report on quality of experience. Its purpose is to convert measurements into insights about the value of functions a service mesh is providing. It does so by specifying a uniform way to analyze and report on the degree to which measured performance provides user value.